Sponsors and Supporters
Thank you
The Forbes Arts Society wishes to extend our heartfelt thanks to our funding partners, sponsors and donors, without whom we could not have made our ambitious dream for a world-class permanent inland sculpture trail a reality.
In addition to those who contributed financially, there were a number of benevolent community members, local organisation and visionary artists who so generously donated their time to help lobby, fundraise, manage and build many aspects of this project – in true country spirit!
Central West Local Land Services
Local farmers - Angus Maslin, Trevor Toole, Jeff Moon, James Stewart, John Harrison, Ben and Brad Harrison, Ollie and Colin Dawes, Peter Morrison, David and Nick Adams, Michael and Tom Green.
Keith Mullette
Kim Muffet
Warwick Rolfe
Wayne Richards
Grazing Down the Lachlan committee
Forbes Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre
The Wiradjuri Condobolin Corporation (WCC)
And finally, the woman with the dream..
Rosie Johnston has been unrelenting in the pursuit to achieve her vision of large-scale sculptures nestled in amongst the dry golden grasses and majestic red river gums of the Lachlan Valley.
A decade on, your AMAZING concept is now a reality, and our community is forever grateful.